Nov 26, 2020
The overarching theme of the Online Tylösand Summit 2020 is Climate Change. This session focuses on the financial sector as a tool for decarbonization, and on climate change as a financial and macroeconomic risk.
Sarah Breeden
Executive Director for UK Deposit Takers Supervision at the Bank of
Nov 26, 2020
The overarching theme of the Online Tylösand Summit 2020 is Climate Change. This session focuses on global leadership and cooperation with respect to climate change, in light of the ongoing crisis.
Rachel Kyte
Dean of The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts
University. Kyte previously served...
Nov 25, 2020
Hur påverkas produktivitet, arbetsmarknad och internationell handel av förbättrad digital infrastruktur? I en ny SNS-rapport undersöker forskaren Anders Åkerman hur och varför olika delar av samhället påverkas olika av informationsteknisk utveckling.
Jimmy Ahlstrand, chef för enheten Corporate...
Nov 24, 2020
The overarching theme of the Online Tylösand Summit 2020 is Climate Change. This session focuses on the impact and cost of climate change and what policy conclusions that can be drawn based on this knowledge.
Michael Greenstone
Professor of Economics at the University of Chicago and Director of
Nov 20, 2020
The overarching theme of the online Tylösand Summit 2020 is Climate Change. This session focuses on trade policy as an instrument to address climate change.
Pascal Lamy
Former Director-General of the WTO as well as former European
Commissioner for Trade. Before that Pascal Lamy served as the Head