Oct 29, 2018
Teknikutvecklingen i transportsektorn går rasande fort, med löften om både elbilar och elektrifierade vägar. Men kan detta reducera transportsektorns utsläpp, utan att försämra kapaciteten? Vi hör ett antal sakkunniga från myndigheter, näringsliv och akademi, däribland Stefan Tongur, som forskar om...
Oct 26, 2018
Politics in the United States has become increasingly polarized – a development covered by professor Nolan McCarty in his book, ”Polarized America. The Dance of Ideology and Unequal riches”. So how has Swedish politics fared in comparison? In this seminar from SNS, Nolan McCarty shares his findings from...
Oct 25, 2018
New technologies are swiftly reshaping finance as we know it. So how are the incumbents navigating an industry suddenly challenged by disrupting business models and new regulations? In this seminar from SNS and Swedish House of Finance we'll hear professor and bank expert Arnoud Boot share his thoughts on the future of...
Oct 10, 2018
Why is it so hard for the European union to decide on a common migration policy?
This is one of the topics discussed in the following seminar from International Policy Talks, a collaboration between SNS and the Institute for international Economics Studies at the University of Stockholm, IIES. We will hear economist Uta...
Oct 9, 2018
"Basel" är namnet på de globala regler som styr hur mycket buffertkapital som måste finnas i bankerna. Vid årsskiftet gjordes den senaste uppdateringen av reglerna, Basel III, vilket ställer nya krav på branschen. I Finanspanelen hör vi Finansinspektionens generaldirektör Erik Thedéen ge sin bild av hur svenska...